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상품 게시판 상세
제목 Gel texture mask <3
작성자 D&#**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-08-22 15:49:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 637
평점 5점
This mask is really interesting, totally different than the ones I have tried so far. It's not a cotton sheet filled up with essence. This mask is the essence itself! It has a soft gel texture that is seriously getting thinner by time. Accidentally I left it on my face while I was sleeping. In the next morning my face didn't get dry or irritated at all, just the mask got extra thin. I guess it means, the essence from the mask all goes into my skin.
Beside of the interesting gel texture, it has a wonderful herbal scent and silky touch. It feels really cool and fresh when I apply it on. Usually I peel it off after about 40 minutes, until than my skin becomes well moisturized. I don't exactly know about the charcoal and gold, what they supposed to do through a gel texture, but the gold is really inside in a powder formation. It gives a nice glowing look for the mask.
It worth a try. Texture: gel. Color: black with gold powder inside. Effect: moisturizing. Usage: perfectly fits to my face shape, easy to apply it on and easy to take off, doesn't make mess.

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