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상품 게시판 상세
제목 ampoule cushion
작성자 Dol**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2017-11-01 11:55:00
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 632
평점 5점
It's always hard to find the favorite cushion... all of them seem good in a way, but later I usually realize it was just another mistake. Sometimes I bought cushion by its nice package but the finish was awful. Other time the color was matching perfectly, but the package was so boring, I am pretty choosy about what I apply onto my skin - it's my face, anyways! :D
The package and puff:
First of all, the package is really elegant, black with glassy shine and gold side part. Only some glittering stars are missing from the top, so I could totally feel like the nightly sky. :D The design got me. The puff has a similar black color and the build-up is really good! It's not just a soft, useless, cheap puff. This one is thick, i can feel the layers inside and when I use it... it covers in every angle naturally with no problem.
The smell and color:
The next step is to check the smell and color. The smell is natural, pleasant and a bit sweet. I actually like it. The color is personal for everyone, for me it perfectly fits. Even, in the end of the day it's still not darker than before! Good point. Although the No.21 from the clean ac ampoule cushion series is a bit lighter... Still it's natural and not too much dark, though.
The finish:
The coverage is strong, I don't even need to use corrector! It covers my pores, my redness and even my two tiny black marks on my chicks. The finish is not too much dewy or bright. Some people prefer more matt, others prefer more dewy. This is normal... not too matt, not too dewy. Kinda middle way.
Sooo I tried this cushion, I was checking everything I could. Package, puff, smell, color, coverage, finish... All together I think it's a really good cushion, I couldn't find problem so far. It got me. I will definitely use it when my skin has troubles, or needs something extra.

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